Prof. Żądzińska: należy obniżyć koszty związane z publikacją w czasopismach naukowych | Nauka w Polsce

openacrs's bookmarks 2021-05-28


In order for Polish scientists to be more internationally visible, it is necessary to reduce the costs of publishing in open access journals because it is often - especially for young researchers - a huge expense - told  the rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska.

According to PAP, Prof. Żądzińska, one of the proposals of the Polish scientific community is to reduce the VAT rate from 23 to 8 percent for open access publishing in scientific journals.

The Rector adds that another problem is the fact that for the National Science Centre (national grants agency) publication in a hybrid journal as an ineligible expenditure.



05/28/2021, 14:06

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05/28/2021, 18:06

Date published:

05/24/2021, 14:06