Albert Moukheiber: The urgent need for open science - Archyde

openacrs's bookmarks 2021-05-28


Elsevier and others have set up a subscription that they charge universities and institutions in exchange for access to their catalog. The prices charged are exorbitant: the University of California for example paid its subscription 10 million dollars per year for Elsevier only. This gruesome situation will last as long as the various institutions implicitly accept its operation. However, for some time, resistance has been organizing. Several faculties and researchers have mobilized to return to Newton’s mind as well as to open science. At the forefront of this movement is the Sci-Hub website, developed in 2011 by Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakh programmer.



05/28/2021, 05:10

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.sci-hub oa.publishers oa.preservation oa.open_science oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

05/28/2021, 18:15

Date published:

05/23/2021, 05:10