Open Science Kitchen: Engaging society: How public outreach meets Open Science.

openacrs's bookmarks 2021-06-06


The work of scientists is sometimes perceived as a black box and often people will only hear about new discoveries and exciting prospects in the news which can result in them losing interest in science. However, we need the public to support what we do because they all contribute to our work. Showing the public who scientists are and what they are working on also fits perfectly within the Open Science movement. It is essential to engage people, for example, by visiting schools to give interesting lectures and demonstrations, inviting school classes for a hands-on day in the lab, and organizing open days to offer people an opportunity to get to know the scientists and science behind university or industry doors. Such outreach activities are a tremendous help in showing that science is fun and fascinating and why so much effort is put into science every day.


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.advocacy

Date tagged:

06/06/2021, 18:28

Date published:

06/06/2021, 14:28