Ouvrir la Science - The ANR is preparing to implement the no-transfer of rights strategy

openacrs's bookmarks 2021-06-06


The no-transfer of rights strategy was initiated in July 2020 by cOAlition S and represents another step towards full and immediate open access to publicly funded scientific publications. In the framework of this strategy, research authors can use the Creative Commons CC-BY license to publish in subscription journals while retaining full rights to their articles and also may deposit the accepted version for publication in an open archive as of the date of publication. As a partner of the cOAlition S, a European initiative with 26 partners which aims to accelerate the transition to full and immediate access to scientific publications, the French National Research Agency (ANR) is currently preparing to implement this strategy. Starting with its 2022 Action Plan scheduled for publication in July 2021, all calls launched in the framework of this plan and its later counterparts will integrate this strategy. All publications from funded projects (the versions accepted for publication at the least) will need to be deposited in the national open archive HAL immediately after publication under a CC-BY licence or an equivalent.




06/06/2021, 04:26

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Date tagged:

06/06/2021, 20:25

Date published:

06/04/2021, 04:26