Open Science and Open Publishing: A New Paradigm for the European Urology Family - ScienceDirect
openacrs's bookmarks 2021-08-05
The way in which we consume information, entertainment, and media is changing. Today everybody can access their favorite song, book, or film online, and often for free. We read about events through social media and react in real time. We expect faster, shorter, and more accessible content. This is true for our news feeds, our friendship networks, and our medical journals. The European Urology family has embraced these changes.
Driven by readers, funders of research, health care providers and patients, Gold Open Access journals are becoming popular and established, and so we address this with the launch of European Urology Open Science. Open Science is placed to adopt, embrace, and adapt new publishing models. As the name indicates, the journal is 100% open access and publishes high-quality science for all clinicians and individuals treating or caring for urological patients.
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks