openacrs's bookmarks 2022-01-06


In 2018, OPERAS consortium launched OPERAS White Papers as a vision statement advocating for Open Access in the SSH. Those documents constitute the practical and theoretical pillars on which OPERAS-P will stand to further enhance the development of the infrastructure. Since the publication date all documents have been viewed altogether almost 8,500 times and downloaded over 4,500 times, which indicates their relevance for the community. And although these papers provide a comprehensive, reliable overview of the state of the art, the three years that have passed since the day of their publication is a lot of time in scholarly communication. This is why we decided to present revised and updated versions of OPERAS White Papers in the form of a living book. The versions of 2021 are ready to be reviewed.




01/06/2022, 01:07

From feeds:

[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks


oa.publishing oa.open_science oa.software oa.recommendations oa.advocacy oa.business_models oa.monitoring oa.dynamic oa.humanities oa.tools oa.standards oa.ssh oa.software oa.recommendations oa.open_science oa.multilingualism oa.business_models oa.advocacy oa.operas oa.europe oa.publishing

Date tagged:

01/06/2022, 06:07

Date published:

11/21/2021, 01:07