CrimRxiv celebrates one-year at the University of Manchester by announcing new initiative, Curation Hubs · CrimRxiv

scotttjacques's bookmarks 2024-03-12


CrimRxiv, criminology’s global open access hub and repository, celebrated its one-year anniversary at the University of Manchester (UoM). Next month will mark the half-year anniversary of the CrimRxiv Consortium, a network of criminology’s leading institutions with UoM at the forefront. To commemorate CrimRxiv’s success and push ahead, the Consortium has announced its newest initiative: Curation Hubs, expert- and community-led special collections of existing works. Each Hub highlights a different criminological niche by centralizing its most notable open-access publications, selected by experts with recommendations from anyone.


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Tags: oa.crimrxiv oa.crimrxivconsortium oa.curationhubs oa.criminology oa.ssh oa.u.manchester

Date tagged:

03/12/2024, 11:09

Date published:

03/12/2024, 07:09