LIBER Wins Role in Open Access Publishing Platform - LIBER

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2020-03-29


Funded by the European Commission, the ORE project will run for four years. The platform will start accepting articles in autumn 2020. An official launch is planned for early 2021. LIBER’s role within the project includes ensuring that research libraries and their users are extensively consulted during the building of the platform. We will invite stakeholders from across our network to share their needs and opinions in many different ways: directly via the website, through interviews, online surveys, webinars and roundtable discussions. Collecting this feedback from libraries and researchers is essential in order for the platform to become a service which is valued and considered a vital part of the research ecosystem. We will also introduce the platform to research libraries and other stakeholders via training sessions, and by developing a range of informative materials. Finally, we will share project updates regularly with our community. All of this will be done in close collaboration with the project leader, F1000 Research, and with the two other participating organisations: Eurodoc and the Global Young Academy (GYA).



03/29/2020, 01:21

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Tags: oa.europe oa.publishing oa.platforms oa.infrastructure oa.liber oa.f1000_research oa.ore

Date tagged:

03/29/2020, 05:21

Date published:

03/25/2020, 01:21