Open Access publishing and its Implications for Knowledge Equity in the North African countries | Zenodo
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2020-10-22
The use of newer information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly the Internet, has accelerated the production, circulation of scholarly literature in every form. Free-to-access publications are not disseminated as widely as possible, leading to restricted readership and thus diminishing their overall impact. The key challenge to equitable access to scientific research publications is the high subscription cost which is unaffordable for most researchers in Africa and Arab world.
Open access scholarly literature is more equitable than subscription-based publishing by allowing everyone with an internet connection, unrestricted access to scientific and scholarly information all over the globe. Despite a number of challenges, the open access (OA) journals and institutional repositories show some successes and increased awareness on open access in North Africa and Arab world. Communicating scholarly information through open access repositories provide the added advantages of faster publishing opportunities, greater visibility for authors and institutions.
10/22/2020, 13:53From feeds:
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