ImpactViz - An OJS plugin for open scientometric information - TIB-Blog

Items tagged with oa.ojs in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-11-05


When searching for relevant scientific publications, it can be helpful to take a closer look at their impact. For this purpose, scientometric information is helpful, which can serve as an indicator for the way a publication is perceived by the scientific community. Is it cited by other scientific publications? Are there already mentions in the (social) media or elsewhere? The more heterogenous and open the data sources used for this purpose, the better. To meet this challenge, the ROSI project (Reference Implementation for Open Sccientometric Indicators) has developed a tool that enables the visualization of open scientometric information. To meet the requirements of scientists, we interviewed them and in an iterative process developed a web application to collect and visualize information on the impact of a publication.



11/05/2020, 14:17

From feeds:

[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.ojs in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks


oa.visualizations oa.tib oa.metrics oa.impact ojs metadata

Date tagged:

11/05/2020, 19:17

Date published:

09/25/2020, 15:17