Europe’s open science cloud project to enter convergence phase | Science|Business

Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-04-17


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is entering a new phase this year as the EU continues its mission to federate the myriad of data sharing systems around the continent, to make it easier for researchers to pursue fully open science. The cloud formally launched in 2018, and since then Horizon 2020 has funded about 50 projects, investing €320 million by 2020. These bottom-up projects laid the groundwork for the cloud and involved stakeholders from all over Europe. But the EOSC vision has become defused and more complex. “We are now trying to enter what we call the convergence phase,” Karel Luyben, the president of the EOSC Association and former Rector Magnificus of the Delft University of Technology, told Science|Business.



04/17/2021, 14:23

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Date tagged:

04/17/2021, 18:23

Date published:

04/15/2021, 14:23