Presenting RoLECT and its role in the research ecosystem – NI4OS- Europe
Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-07-28
Openness, transparency, and inclusiveness are the key principles that have been defined by the EOSC Rules of Participation (RoP) Working Group. Ensuring these principles can be a particularly demanding task when dealing with legal and ethics aspects. In this context, NI4OS-Europe has developed RoLECT tool in order to assist prospective resource providers in verifying adherence to the RoP during the onboarding process of resources to the EOSC ecosystem focusing on the Legal and Ethics Requirements. The tool provides a guided procedure sequence, where the prospective providers are invited to insert all available information so that a potential EOSC resource (service/dataset/other) can be assessed against the current RoP Guidelines. The scope of the assessment focuses on the most basic obligatory requirements. Nevertheless, further obligatory and common requirements may be assessed in specific cases when the nature of the prospective EOSC service requires so.
07/28/2021, 08:19From feeds:
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