Input feed: Items tagged with oa.cni in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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International advances in digital scholarship | Jisc
Items tagged with oa.cni in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 11/04/2016
oa.usa oa.sustainability oa.reuse oa.reports oa.rdm oa.policies oa.patents oa.offsets oa.obstacles oa.notes oa.negotiations oa.metrics oa.legislation oa.infrastructure oa.hydra oa.hybrid oa.hei oa.government oa.formats oa.fees oa.fastr oa.economics_of oa.disciplines oa.curation oa.costs oa.cni oa.citations oa.business_models oa.attitudes oa.apis oa.advocacy repositories citations standards funders libraries events software uk metadata publishers hei jisc northern_europe reproducibility europe government