Hyku Open Source Institutional Repository Development partnership awarded $1M Arcadia grant to improve open scholarship infrastructure | UVA Library News and Announcements
Items tagged with oa.hyku in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-10-21
On the verge of success – or failure? Reflections on repositories and the wider library knowledge infrastructure (and a bit about Hyku). | ID: 712a1039-373d-43d8-86db-fd5f08173ec3 | Hyku UP
Items tagged with oa.hyku in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 11/11/2020
Investments in Open: Canadian Research Libraries’ Expenditures on Services, Staff, and Infrastructures in Support of Open Scholarship
Items tagged with oa.hyku in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 08/06/2020
Next Generation Library Publishing | Educopia Institute
Items tagged with oa.hyku in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 03/31/2020
cfp infrastructure publishing open_source oa.uc.cdl oa.tools oa.surveys oa.stratos oa.longleaf oa.infrastructure oa.educopia oa.consultations oa.arcadia libraries lyrasis repositories coar platforms oa.repositories oa.platforms oa.new oa.lyrasis oa.libraries oa.libpub oa.coar oa.academic_led libpub nglp open_source_software academic_led