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- 25744
- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 25513
- oa.comment 14751
- oa.journals 11121
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- 8487
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- 556
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- 394
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- 388
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- 288
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- 237
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- 232
- 231
- 229
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- 226
- 224
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- 216
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- 207
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- 205
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- 137
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- 136
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- 120
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- 113
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- 94
- 93
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- 91
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- 86
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- 65
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- 64
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- 63
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- 54
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- 52
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- 51
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- 49
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- 48
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- 47
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- 47
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- 43
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- 43
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- 40
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- 35
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- 32
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- 32
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- 28
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- 27
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- 27
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- 25
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- 24
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- 23
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- 21
- 21
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- 21
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- 20
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- 19
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- 16
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- 15
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- 15
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- 15
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- 15
- 15
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- 15
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- 15
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- 14
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- 14
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- 13
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- oa.u.kentucky 13
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- oa.dmca 13
- oa.kansas_state.u 13
- oa.qut 13
- oa.government 13
- oa.godan 13
- oa.core 13
- oa.knaw 13
- oa.dataone 13
- 13
- oa.media_studies 13
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- oa.qscience 12
- oa.u.leicester 12
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- oa.nara 12
- 12
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- hu.oa 12
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- oa.taxonomy 12
- 12
- oa.ata 12
- oa.bgi 12
- oa.berlin11 12
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- uncategorized 12
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- 12
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- 11
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- oa.open_policy_network 11
- open policy 11
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- 11
- oa.libpub 11
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- oa.u.sussex 11
- 11
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- research 10
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- oa.physiology 10
- 10
- oa.lyrasis 10
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- oa.embl 10
- 10
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- 10
- oa.u.windsor 10
- oa.lockss 10
- 10
- oa.hydra 10
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- oa.u.ottawa 10
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- oa.apa 10
- 9
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- distance education 9
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- oa.anu 9
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- fair use and intellectual property: defending the balance 9
- oa.galaxy_zoo 9
- oa.durham.u 9
- oa.u.chicago 9
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- oa.arnold_foundation 9
- oa.u.california_press 9
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- oa.bes 9
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- oa.u.new_mexico 9
- oa.u.arizona 9
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- oa.agu 9
- oa.hungary 9
- oa.kings_college_london 9
- oa.open_data_institute 9
- pep.repositories 9
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- oa.ands 9
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- u 8
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- oa.esof14 8
- os.ssh 8
- oa.usa.ut 8
- oa.r 8
- school of open 8
- 8
- oa.usa.nd 8
- oa.asap 8
- oa.prezi 8
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- 8
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- oa.icrisat 8
- oa.syracuse.u 8
- oa.thieme 8
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- cable green 8
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- oa.artstor 8
- oa.hague_declaration 8
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- oa.nga 8
- oa.utah_state.u 8
- oa.u.nairobi 8
- 8
- oa.licenses4europe 8
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- oa.u.nebraska-lincoln 8
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- authors' rights 8
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- oa.u.alberta 8
- oa.bodleian 8
- 8
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- oa.myanmar 8
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- oa.discoverability 8
- oa.jurn 8
- oa.georgia_tech 8
- oa.u.oklahoma 7
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- oa.u.bergen 7
- oa.objections 7
- 7
- oa.ama 7
- domestic policies 7
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- commentary 7
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- innovation 7
- oa.philippines 7
- oa.u.guelph 7
- 7
- oa.open_science_framework 7
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- 7
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- oa.u.tennessee 7
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- comment 7
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- oa.shutdown 7
- oa.microsoft_research 7
- oa.hadithi 7
- oa.u.hull 7
- oa.eos 7
- oa.u.massachusetts 7
- oa.u.delaware 7
- oa.pgp-uk 7
- 7
- oa.u.sheffield 6
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- oa.northern_illinois.u 6
- oa.ucl 6
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- oa.u.kent 6
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- oa.eol 6
- 6
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- oa.ulmer 6
- 6
- 6
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- teaching 6
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- profession 6
- open textbooks 6
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- oa.authorea 6
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- oa.romania 6
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- oa.rgs 6
- oa.coaf 6
- oa.oare 6
- oa.u.glasgow 6
- oa.jkuat 6
- oa.chemistry_central 6
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- oa.u.oslo 6
- oa.u.luxembourg 6
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- publishers 6
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- oa.u.birmingham 6
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- 6
- oa.social_networking 6
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- oa.mmrf 6
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- digital humanities 6
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- oa.biochemistry 6
- oa.oa_week.2012 6
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- oa.gnu 6
- 6
- 6
- oa.cooment 6
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- oa.governance_lab 6
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- p2pu 6
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- oa.journals 6
- 5
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- united states 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- online courses 5
- blog 5
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- 5
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- 5
- oa.odca 5
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- 5
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- 5
- 5
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- 5
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- 5
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- oa.sri_lanka 5
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- 5
- 5
- oa.murray_state.u 5
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- 5
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- " 5
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- 5
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- creative commons 5
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- oa.belarus 5
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- 4
- oa.oeru 4
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- oa.u.connecticut 4
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- unesco 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- international 4
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- 4
- 4
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- oa.leiden_manifesto 4
- oa.u.alabama 4
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- oa.sierra_leone 4
- 4
- oa.afghanistan 4
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- 4
- oa.usa.tx 4
- oa.dariah 4
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- 4
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- startups 4
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- oa.iati 4
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- public access 4
- 4
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- oa.microryza 4
- oa.literacy 4
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- oa.pcori 4
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- oa.wayne_state.u 4
- law & disorder 4
- 4
- oa.namibia 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
- 3
- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 2
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- 2
- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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-[x] 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- oa.hunter_college 1
- oa.coapi. oa.fastr 1
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- the taxpayer access to publicly funded research act" 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- surechem 1
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- an open-access policy for harvard medical school 1
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- oa.imgur 1
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- 1
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- berlin_declaration 1
- 1
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- 1
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- web science 1
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- university of munich 1
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- royal society 1
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- 1
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- mathematics: general 1
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- 1
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- ian gibson 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- network; 1
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- rae 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- oa.swinburne.u 1
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- online course 1
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- 1
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- 1
- mooc 1
- 1
- oa.macmillian 1
- oa.penrose 1
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- it 1
- northern_illinois.u 1
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- 1
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- networks 1
- foboko 1
- 1
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- snsf 1
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- 1
- timeline 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- nhmrc 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- rcuk 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- higher education 1
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- 1
- dpla 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- get involved 1
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- resources 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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