Remix: Disasters, the Environment, Energy & the Law
These feeds, tags, searches, and items serve are used to create this remix:
- Breaking Energy
- EPA disasters - Knowledge Mosaic RSS
- beSpacific: Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
- The Canadian War on Science: A long, unexaggerated, devastating chronological indictment – Confessions of a Science Librarian
- Reference: New Database From Colorado State University Tracks Energy Legislation In All 50 States | LJ INFOdocket
- Search Advanced Energy Legislation | Advanced Energy Legislation Tracker
- energy & sustainability
- Bob Bea, the Master of Disaster -
- Oxford University Press: Overheated: Andrew T. Guzman
- hydraulic fracturing
- How Data and Social Pressure Can Reduce Home Energy Use by Dave Levitan: Yale Environment 360
- Microsoft debuts Android, iOS, and Windows Phone app to give, ask for help after natural disasters - The Next Web
- AP IMPACT: Deficient levees found across America - News -
- View Samples of Our Work | Good Company
- Finding Signs Of Life With Ion Mobility Spectrometry | Chemical & Engineering News
- The states with the most data centers are also the most disaster-prone [maps] — Tech News and Analysis
- UN Pulse from U.N. Dag Hammarskjöld Library • Doha Climate Change Conference - 2012
- WAYS & MEANS: Toward Sustainable Energy for All – Next American City
- deepwater horizon
- usepa
- clean water act
- stormwater
- water quality
- water pollution
- The Climate series: a reference post (UPDATED) - AMERICAblog
- carbon capture
- disasters
- environment
- gulf oil spill
- groundwater
- carbon emissions
- energy policy
- cap-and-trade
- climate policy
- clean air act
- cap & trade
- climate risk
- natural catastrophes
- clean energy standard
- low carbon fuel standard
- ceqa
- california energy commission
- clean energy
- greenhouse gas emissions
- renewable energy
- ghg
- disaster reduction
- infrastructure
- energy
- energy information administration
- emergency preparedness & response
- volcanoes
- hurricanes
- environmental science
- biofuels
- earthquake
- climate models
- natural disasters
- climate change
- fracking
- climatology
- sea level rise
- hurricane sandy
- epa
- green