Feed retrieval for MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences on 03/28/2013, 16:15
New items – 20 total
MAS.965 Relational Machines (MIT)
MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences 10/20/2005
technology collaboration tutorials relational machines emotional design human relationships emotional expression representation and manipulation measuring relationships and interactions assitive robotics for elderly robotic pets robotic therapy language processing machine teammates interactive learning wearable agent interaction ambient agent interaction -
MAS.622J Pattern Recognition and Analysis (MIT)
MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences 10/04/2007
genetic algorithms roc curves pattern recognition feature detection classification probability theory pattern analysis conditional probability bayes rule random vectors decision theory likelihood ratio test fisher discriminant template-based recognition feature extraction eigenvector and multilinear analysis linear discriminant perceptron learning optimization by gradient descent support vecotr machines k-nearest-neighbor classification parzen estimation unsupervised learning clustering vector quantization k-means expectation-maximization hidden markov models viterbi algorithm baum-welch algorithm linear dynamical systems kalman filtering bayesian networks decision trees reinforcement learning -
MAS.160 Signals, Systems and Information for Media Technology (MIT)
MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences 06/23/2009
video audio digital media photography spectrum am information theory coding filter noise visual a/v digital audio digital video digitial photography spectrum plot amplitude modulation fourier series frequency modulation fm orthogonality walsh functions basis sets. sampling theorem aliasing reconstruction fft dft dtft z-transform iir frequency response filter response impulse response communications system communications theory communication channel error correction dsp signal processing digital signal processing -
MAS.965 NextLab I: Designing Mobile Technologies for the Next Billion Users (MIT)
MIT OpenCourseWare: New Courses in Media Arts and Sciences 07/08/2009
education innovation health care civic engagement international development poverty cell phone sms mobile phone ict sustainable development appropriate technology micro-finance social entrepreneurship social venture communications technology cellular technology mobile technology economic empowerment bottom of the pyramid ict4d can you make a cellphone change the world?