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Comments - Dr. Naomi Wolf: "What's in the Pfizer documents?" VACCINE Family Night w/ Naomi Wolf 05.13.2023; excellent discussion by Dr. Wolf and company on the Pfizer documents & the hell of the mRNA technology
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/16/2023
Air Canada & Air Transat pilot Eddy Vorperian at 48 & 25 years experience, dies suddenly May 3; this is the 5th sudden pilot death & 10 known inpacitations: was this the mRNA technology COVID shot?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/16/2023
Comments - why the synthetic mRNA vaccines and their ultimate purpose, bearing in mind that these vaccines were purchased under a military incentive and not a medical one.
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/16/2023
Comments - Critical that you remember the complete fraud of the Pfizer & Moderna mRNA technology based gene vaccines & the criminality of FDA in approving EUAs; the trials were never set up to prove what we
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/15/2023
Fraiman et al. showed excess risk of serious adverse events following mRNA technology based COVID gene injections (Pfizer and Moderna); do not forget the government criminals who mandated an unsafe
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/15/2023